Prior to adding a Self Study / On-Demand Course you must have already created a test for this course. If you have not already created a test you must exit the add a self-study course screen and create a test for this course. (Refer to the article: How to Create a Test)
Adding a Self Study / On-Demand course will allow you to advertise your course on a national level to your direct audience, digitally distribute CE Certificates, administer a test, and keep all your attendance records from one secure platform.
The issuing of CE Certificates for Self Study / On-Demand courses is self-managing for courses that:
- Are Free:
- Collecting Fee's Through CE Zoom = NO
- Outside Registration = No
- Paid courses that utilize CE Zoom's Registration
- Collecting Fee's Through CE Zoom = Yes
If your course is a paid course, but you are not utilizing CE Zoom's registration, please note that you will have to manually confirm that each attendee paid on your registration site, and mark their status as confirmed on CE Zoom, prior to their CE Certificate being released. If you prefer to not have to manually manage your self-study courses that have paid registrations managed outside of CE Zoom, you will want to set the course up as follows:
- Collecting Fee's Through CE Zoom = NO
- Outside Registration = No
- Private = Yes (This stops your course from being searchable on CE Zoom's search engine and access for free. Only participants that have paid and completed the course on your website will be issued the testing link) Please note by setting your paid courses with registration managed outside of CE Zoom up to be self-managing, you will be forfeiting the advertisement of that course on CE Zoom. Your course will not be sent out on CE Zoom's new course notification, nor will it be searchable.
Important Info regarding How CE Certificates are issued:
There are 2 ways to add a self-study / on-demand course.
Add a Course Option 1: From your Dashboard
Step 1: Find the Add Courses Box and click "Add Self Study Courses"
Step 2: Fill in all the required fields (how to descriptions below)
Step 3: Click Save
Add a Course Option 2: From the Navigation Menu
Step 1: From the navigation menu click on "My Courses" then click Self Study Courses
Step 2: Click "Add Self Study Course" in the upper right
Step 3: Fill in all the required fields (how to descriptions below)
Step 4: Click Save
*Required Fields: Before you will be able to save your course all required fields will need to be filled in. Please make sure you have all the information for the required fields prior to adding a new course. We currently do not offer a way to save a course posting if all required information is not supplied.
AGD Joint Providership (Required Field, choose one):
CE Zoom, LLC has partnered with Zoom Education, LLC to offer companies without an approved provider affiliation an AGD PACE Joint Providership. By selecting Yes, it does not guarantee approval. All AGD joint provider protocols must be followed prior to the approval of a Joint Providership.
If you have your own provider affiliation or do not wish to have a program provider approval you can select no
**If you select Yes to Zoom's Educations Joint Providership options your course you will be asked to pay for the AGD Joint Providership when adding the course and the course will be stored under your pending self-study courses until approved. Once your course is approved it will be released for you to have access to the registration and test link.
Collecting Fees Through CE Zoom
Select Yes, if you will be collecting registration fees through CE Zoom's registration
Select No, if your course if free, or you will be using an outside registration platform to collect your registration fees
Course Content Link (required field)
Enter in the URL (address of a World Wide Web page) that link the attendee to the self-study / on-demand content. You will want to make sure your content listed as unlisted or is embedded on a hidden page on your website. Only professionals that have successfully registered for your course will have access to the course content.
Do you have registration outside of CE Zoom (this shows up if you choose no to collecting fees through CE Zoom)
Select No, if your course is free
Select Yes, if you will be using an outside registration platform to collect your registration fees
External Reg Link (required field) (this field appears if you choose yes to using an outside registration. This allows us to direct professionals to your registration web page)
Input the URL associated with your registration web page
Post Course as Private
Select No, if your course is intended for the public. By selecting NO your course will be advertised on CE Zoom's weekly new course notifications and your course will be searchable on CE Zoom's course search engine.
Select Yes, if your course is intended for a private group or for invited attendees only. By selecting yes your course will not be advertised on CE Zoom's weekly new course notification nor will it be searchable on CE Zoom's course search engine. After your course is posted you will have access to the registration link to pass out to your selected invitees.
Course Title (required field)
This is the course title that the professional will see when they search for or view the details of a course
Registration Notifications
If one or more professionals register for this course a notification email will be sent to the selected recipients. This is a multi-select feature.
Company: an email will be sent to the email associated with the company account that is posting the course (you).
Presenter: an email will be sent to the email associated with the attached presenter
Coordinators (ex: Katrinna Jackson): an email will be sent to the email associated with the selected coordinators. To add coordinators please refer to How to Add an Account Coordinator Article.
Verification Notifications
If one or more professionals verify for this course a notification email will be sent to the selected recipients
Company: an email will be sent to the email associated with the company account that is posting the course (you).
Presenter: an email will be sent to the email associated with the attached presenter
Coordinators (ex: Katrinna Jackson): an email will be sent to the email associated with the selected coordinators. To add coordinators please refer to How to Add an Account Coordinator Article.
Expiry Date
Enter the Date in which your Self Study / On-Demand course will expire. CE Zoom allows you to list your course for 1 year (12 months). You can re-post the course for an additional year after it has been reviewed and all content has been updated. If you have a provider affiliation approval expiration period that is listed on your CE Certificate, you will want to make sure your expiry date for your self-study / on-demand course does not extend past the date of your approval dates on your CE Certificate. Once you have new approval dates you can create a new CE Certificate and repost the course with the valid CE Certificate.
Total CE Credits (required field)
Input the total number of CE credit hours for this course. Credit hours are issued according to a 1:1 ratio. 30 min = . 5 CE credit hours, 60 min = 1 CE credit hour. CE Zoom can manage credit hours to the quarter hour.
Certificate Template (not required initially, but mandatory)
Select the certificate template from your library. This field is not mandatory initially, in case you forgot to create your CE certificate prior to adding this course, however it is mandatory for you to be able to issue a CE Certificate to your attendees. If you have not created a CE certificate before adding the course, you can finish adding the course, save the course, create your certificate (How to Create a CE Certificate), edit the course, and attach the CE certificate. If you forget to attach a CE Certificate prior to an attendee verifying to receive their CE Certificate you will be charged a re-run fee to fix and update the course.
Course Format & Education Method (required field)
Course Format: is defaulted to Self Study and can not be changed. If you are wanting to add a live course you will need to exit and click add a Live Course.
Education Method: There are 10 options (5 different methods, each with the selection with or without a testing mechanism). Please note very few states allow self-study / on-demand courses without a testing mechanism.
Test Type
Utilizing CE Zoom's Testing: Select this option if you will be utilizing CE Zoom's Testing mechanism. You will be asked to select the test for this course in the next field. If you are using Zoom Educations AGD PACE Joint Providership you must utilize CE Zoom's testing mechanism.
Managing Testing Outside of CE Zoom: select this if you have a testing mechanism that evaluates the level of comprehension your attendees obtained from taking your course outside of CE Zoom.
Test (required field)
From the drop-down menu select the test you created for this course (How to Create a Test). It is very important to create a new test for each course. If you have not created a test for this course you will not be able to save this course.
Course Author / Presenter (required field)
This is the name of the course author or presenter. The listed name will be the name that the professional sees when they search or view a course.
Overview (required field)
This is the course overview that the professional sees when they view your course. This is the main area where you can describe your course in detail and/or list the learning objectives, in a free form format. You can add pictures, tables, and hyperlink text to direct professionals to handouts/ syllabus that you have uploaded to your website.
Using CE Zoom's / Zoom Education's AGD PACE Joint Providership:
1. You must include Zoom Educations AGD Logo/ provider statement
2. You must include the AGD PACE Joint provider statement
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of Zoom Education, LLC, and (Your Company Name). Zoom Education, LLC is approved for awarding FAGD/MAGD credit.
**The next two required fields are very important on how your course will be applied and tracked against your attendee's state rules and regulations.
**Course Category (required field)
Select all course categories your course satisfies, but only select a course category if your course can satisfy that course category alone. Example: if you are presenting an infection control course that meets states requirements for infection control you can select "Infection Control" as a course category, but if you presenting about a new product and talk about proper infection control protocols for that particular product, you can not select infection control as a course category for your course will not satisfy the infection control category on its own.
**Provider Affiliation (required field)
Select all provider affiliations you are recognized or certified by. If you have no provider affiliations select "None". If you are interested in having your course reviewed to be AGD PACE recognized please contact us at
AGD Subject Code (required field)
This field is important for AGD members and the submission of attendees to the AGD. This field only shows up if you selected one of Zoom Educations Joint Providership options or you selected AGD as a provider affiliation. Select the AGD subject matter/ code that best describes your course. More details on the AGD subject codes can be found at: AGD Subject Codes
California Provider Number
If your course has been approved by California, input the course provider number above
Is this Course Sponsored
Select No, if this course is not sponsored
Select Yes, if this sponsored
Sponsor (required field)
This field only shows up if yes is selected for "Is this course sponsored". List the names of all the sponsors in the field. The sponsors will be displayed within the overview of the course under the heading Sponsors.
This is a read-only informational field professionals see when viewing the course details. If your course has a fee to attend, make sure you create a paid registration and attach it to your course. Enter numeric value without '$' sign
This is a multi-select field. Select all audience types this course applies too.
Coordinator and Contact Email (required field)
Coordinator- List the name of the person for the point of contact for this course
Contact Email- List the email you want your attendees or potential attendees can reach out to regarding questions they may have regarding this course.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure (required field)
Each course listed on CE Zoom must disclose all conflict of interest affiliations. The conflict of Interest Disclosure selection will be displayed within the overview of each course under the heading Conflict of Interest Disclosure when a professional views the course details. Select the appropriate statement that applies to your course.
COI Organizations (Conflict of Interest Organizations) (required field)
This field only shows up if you select that one or more of your presenters have an affiliation with a corporate sponsor. Enter the names for the organizations your speakers are affiliated with or have financial interest or arrangements with and how. You can upload logos and or pictures. This information inputted within this field will be displayed under the disclosure statement within the course overview when a professional views the course details.
Course Prerequisites (required field)
CE Zoom requires offering companies to disclose any and all prerequisites required prior to an attendee being able to attend the course. All Prerequisites will be displayed within the overview of each course under the heading Prerequisites when a professional views the course details. If your course has no prerequisites you can list None.
Webinar Link, Webinar Conferencing Information, and/or Notes
Enter any additional notes here you want your attendees to be aware of. Webinar Conferencing Information is only for Live Courses
You can edit your course as many times as you need up until a professional has successfully passed the test associated with the course to receive their CE Certificate, at which time it becomes a record on your account and is a view-only document.
All your live courses will be displayed on your dashboard under "Upcoming or Recently Completed Courses" or under "My Courses" "Live Courses" or "Pending Live Course" from the navigation menu.
Course not Saving
If you click save and you are not advanced to the next screen, you might have missed a required field. Scroll back up through your add a course screen. All required fields that do not have any data will be highlighted red for quick recognition of what is still required prior to saving.