Please follow the directions below.
Prior to Your Conference
- Add your courses on CE Zoom. (How to add a conference/multi-course event)
- Verification Code: Make sure your verification codes do not have any special characters (&*$~!?) or spaces.
- AGD Joint Providership (if applicable)
- Send signed AGD Joint Provider Agreement to (only need one signed by the offering company)
- Send a signed Image of Authenticity Doc for each presenter to
- Send PowerPoints for each presentation for review to 14 days prior to the event for approval (PowerPoint and PDF file will be accepted, we will not accept video presentations) AGD PACE Joint Providership (if applicable)
- Update and forward the attached Verification slide to each presenter with their course information and verification code. This is just a template that needs to be updated for each course. The course verification code can be found as follows:
- Log into your CE Zoom company account
- Click on My Courses then Live Courses
- The verification code will be displayed under the column titled Credit Verification Code
Day of the Conference:
Know who attended
- Auto confirm: The system will automatically confirm the attendee's attendance when they verify the course with the correct verification code announced at the conclusion of the course. If you selected this option when adding the course you have no further action for this step.
- Real-Time: From your CE Zoom attendee's manager screen, as each attendee enters the course or checks in, you will check their name and apply to confirm their attendance. (How to Confirm)
- Sign in sheet: If you are a one-man show, or do not have the help to manage attendee confirmation in real-time, have professionals sign in on a piece of paper. You will want to collect their first and last name, and email address along with their signature. You will confirm the professionals that checked in and if you have the Documentation Manager upgrade you will want to upload the sign-in roster on CE Zoom for future reference.
- Print out the roster: Print out the registration roster from CE Zoom and highlight attendees as they check into the course. You can confirm all attendees that checked in
- Unclaimed Name Badges: All name badges not claimed will be the professionals you will mark as ineligible for each course, the rest you can confirm
- At the conclusion of the course:
- Display the verification code for a minimum of 5 min and verbally announce the verification code multiple times.
- Prompt attendees to log into their CE Zoom account, verify the course with the verification code and take any required survey/test.
- If all these steps have been completed, their CE Certificate will be in their "Records" under "Manage CE" in their CE Zoom account once their attendance has been confirmed.
After the Conference
1. Email all attendees the How to Receive Credit follow up email {Follow up Email Template}
2. Confirm all eligible attendees How to Confirm Attendees
Attendee Registration Instructions (Step1)
{Insert registration link}
- Click the registration link above
- Click Register
- Click yes if you are already a CE Zoom member, log in and skip to step #6, click unsure/no if you are new to CE Zoom or are unsure if you have a CE Zoom account.
- Click register as a professional
- Select your state, license type, and enter in the 1st 4 letters of your name (first or last) and click search. If your name is found, click select and log in, if your name is not found, click “don't see your name? "Click here to register” and continue through the registration form.
- Select all the courses you attended
- Click Register
Attendee Verification Instructions (Step 2)
- Log into your CE Zoom account at If you are new to CE Zoom you created a CE Zoom account when you registered for this course. If you are already on your CE Zoom account click "Dashboard" on the navigation menu.
- From your dashboard under scheduled courses click the green verify button associated with the course you attended. If your screen is zoomed in you may have to scroll down to see your scheduled courses
- Enter the verification code announced at the conclusion of the course, check any membership associations and enter your member number (if applicable), and submit. Please note if you are an AGD member and you do not enter your correct 6 digit member number, the offering company will not be able to submit your record to AGD.
- Take any required survey/test
- Repeat for each course you attended
If attendees did not pre-register please give them the CE Zoom registration link to register then they can follow the verification records above