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Announcing your Verification Code

Announcing the verification code is a critical step as your attendees can not receive their CE Certificates without this code. 

At the conclusion of each course, let the audience know the CE Zoom verification code and the how to verify instructions for your course.  Please note each course will have its own unique verification code. 

Requirements for Announcing Verification Code

Where do you find the verification code for your course


Requirements for Announcing the Verification Code

  • Emphasize the importance of the course verification code to all attendees at the beginning of the course
  • Emphasize each course has its own unique code (if you are offering multiple courses)
  • At the conclusion of the course display the verification code for a long enough period of time for all attendee to record the code and/or enter the code on CE Zoom in real-time (5 min minimum)
  • Also, verbally announce the verification code at the conclusion of the course a couple of times.
  • Let attendees know their next steps on how to verify and to receive CE credit on CE Zoom. Each course type may have different verification instructions to give your attendees.  Please refer to the course checklist for the correct verification slide and instructions for your course type.  Company: Checklists for Offering Events on CE Zoom


Where to find the code

You or somebody from your company made up the verification code when the course was set up. You can find what the verification code is for each course by:

  • Log into the company account that is offering the course
  • Click on My Courses
  • Click on Live Courses

The verification code will be listed under the column heading Credit Verification Code

Credit Verification Code