Understanding your CE renewal requirements / transcript

CE Zoom has created a state-specific tracker for each license type to aid professionals in understanding what their CE renewal requirements are.

Each transcript or CE portfolio is broken out into groups

Step 1: Log into your CE Zoom account at www.cezoom.com

Step 2: From the professional dashboard, under the License Information, click "View Transcript"

View Transcript

Overview:  The first box will give you the basic description and values of your state's overall CE requirement hours, and a quick link to your state's rules and regulations.


Groups: The following boxes are labeled into groups that individually break down your states CE requirements, list the CE courses that applied to the group, and gives you a summary of CE's completed and applied for that particular group.

Tracker Example


EXCLUSION GROUPS: This group is one of your last groups on your transcript.  All courses that your state does not recognize or allow to count towards your CE hours will be listed under the Exclusion Group.  Some reasons CEs will be applied to the Exclusion Group is the state does not recognize or allow the course category or course provider of the course. These CE certificates will be stored on your CE Zoom account but will not be tracked against your state requirements.

exclusion group

Minimum Credit Hours Required:  A group that has minimum credit hours required is stating that you must complete at least the listed amount of CE hours in the course categories listed for that particular group.  Once the minimum CE requirements have been met for the group your % bar will show 100% complete and your needed CE's will be 0.

Tracker complete

Minimum Credit Hours Required with a time frame: If the minimum CE requirements for a particular course category are greater or less than the time frame within the particular renewal cycle then the minimum required hours per time period will be listed.  The example below the license renewal period is every 3 years, but states that CPR requires 3 hours every 2 years.  Therefore CPR will need to be completed 2x within this renewal period. The group will give you an expired notification if the CE has a minimum time period in which it needs to be renewed (shown below)


Maximum Credit Hours: A group that has maximum credit hours listed is stating that you can only receive X amount of CE hours from the courses listed under that group's course categories. All additional CE's earned from that group's course categories over and above the listed max amount will not count towards your CE requirements.

Maximum Hours

No Minimum or Maximum Credit Hours: When a state allows unlimited CE's with no restrictions it will be listed as unlimited.  This is a group where a majority of your CE's will be applied.

Unlimited hourse


Required but does not Count:  These course are required in addition to you CE's requirements. You must satisfy the # of courses required by these groups but the CE's will not deduct from the total CE hour required for you license renewal.   

Required but not counted

Approve Providers:  Groups that state: "This group has required providers", is stating the courses listed under this group must be by one of the approved providers listed.  Should you take a course listed under the course categories, but the provider is not recognized by your state, your CE's will not deduct from your total CE requirements.  To view a list of approved providers for that individual group, click on "View Approved Providers" to expand the list

Required providers

Mandatory Live:  If marked as yes, you must physically attend or attend a live webinar. Home self-study, pre-recorded on-demand webinars, or on-demand internet courses will not be accepted for groups that require the course to be live. According to AGD's protocols, webinars are considered a live CE as long as Q & A is offered at the end of each course, and it will be. All courses will be listed as “Live” CE on the certificates.