How to manually upload a completed CE course certificate not offered through CE Zoom

CE Zoom can track and store all your Completed CE's even certificates issued outside of CE Zoom.

I would recommend that you take a picture of your CE Certificate or have it scanned in before starting this process

Step 1: Log into your CE Zoom account at

Step 2: Click "Manual Uploads" on right hand of dashboard

Manual Uploads

Step 3: Select "Upload CE's"

These next few steps are super important. If you enter the information wrong, your state may not accept your CE, so make sure you utilize the "?" in the upper right corner.  When you click on the "?"  it will give a field description under every entry field to help you understand what is required for each entry.

Step 4:  Select the license(s) to apply the CE's too. If you have multiple licenses and only select one you will have to re-upload the CE a second time if you want to apply it to another license.

Step 5: Fill out the form. The certificate should have all of this information on it. 

Important Entries (The two most important steps for your CE's to track correctly is entering in the course category and the approved provider correctly)


1. Course Category: Pick all the category(s) that best describe the course that you attended. For every course category, you choose to make sure the course you attended can be completely described by that category alone. For example: if you took a class on oral cancer you would select Oral Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Oral Pathology, Pathology.  If you attended a course on infection control that could satisfy your state's Infection Control guidelines, then select infection control. If you took a course that only talk about infection control with the type of equipment the course is educating you on, or infection control was just mentioned in your course, DO NOT SELECT Infection Control, for your course will not satisfy the infection control requirements.  

2.  Provider Affiliation: (Select all that apply) Choose the organization(s) that approved the course you attended.  If the presenter of your course is an affiliated provider with one or more organizations, it will be listed on your certificate.  If they don't have any provider affiliations then select None. About 15 states require all courses to be presented by an affiliated approved provider.  If you are licensed in a state that requires approve providers and you took a course that was not approved by an organization that your state recognizes, you can always submit the course to the board for approval.  Until the course has board approval our system won't count the CE's towards your license renewal requirements.  Once you have board approval than you can choose "your state" board approved as the provider affiliation and the CE's will track and deduct from your total CE's required for your license renewal.

Provider Approval

4. Education Method: Select Live or Self Study.

5. Educational Type: Choose the best option that describes the Educational Method you choose.

Step 6: Attachment:  This is where you upload your certificate. Click "Select File"  and select the picture or file of your certificate. Make sure you upload the correct certificate for the correct course. We support these file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, doc, docx, rtf, pdf, txt, csv

Step 7: Select "Save"

Step 8: Repeat for each license you want your CE to apply to.

Your CE's will be stored, tracked against your individual state rules and regulations, and ready to be submitted to your state by email, pdf, or you can print and mail them in to your state

If you notice a course didn't deduct from your total required CE's then most likely your state doesn't accept those course types or you could have entered something wrong. If you feel there is an error, please email us or read through your state's rules and regulations.