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Colorado Real Estate Onboarding: Presenters, Speakers, Instructors

The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Real Estate Division, has partnered with CE Zoom for provider approvals, course approvals, audits, and tracking of continuing education hours.

Presenter Accounts

Use this account if you're a speaker, presenter, instructor, educator, teacher, or content writer to manage speaking engagements and on-demand courses for continuing education.

CE Zoom's dashboard lets you easily view your courses, attendee registrations, test results, and survey feedback.

CE Providers can seamlessly add you as an instructor for their events using this account.

This account is your personal professional, presenter, and employee account (not tied to any specific company).
Use your personal email for this personal/presenter account.
Please refrain from using a work email that is linked to a specific company when creating this account.
If you offer courses as a CE Provider, you will also create a separate account for your Company/CE provider using a different email. How to create a company/CE provider account
You can easily link a company account to your personal account for convenient access to both.

How to Create a Free Presenter Account

  1. Go to www.cezoom.com
  2. Click the login for Colorado Real EstateColorado Onboarding Instructions Instructors & CE Providers (1)
  3. Click Sign up 
  4. Select Sign up for a Personal Account and click continue

  5. Enter the email address used for speaking engagements
    1. please refrain from using a work email that is linked to a specific company
  6. Select Presenter for your account role. You can also select the professional and employee roles if applicable.
  7. Continue to fill out the form and click finish
  8. Success! You now have a Presenter Account!

Onboarding Currently Approved Courses to CE Zoom

To onboard your approved courses, add each course to the CE Zoom platform using a simplified process.

The COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AGENCIES will set the approval status and effective dates based on your original application.

Each course topic is considered one course.

If you offer a package or bundle of courses, add each course topic individually. This allows for independent distribution of CE certificates and accurate tracking.

How to Onboard Approved Courses

  1. Go to www.cezoom.com
  2. Click the login for Colorado Real EstateColorado Onboarding Instructions Instructors & CE Providers (1)
  3. Log in to your CE Zoom Company Account
  4. Click Course Manager from the left navigation bar and select Course Applications
  5. Click the blue Apply button
  6. Find the application called Onboard my Approved Course and click Apply
  7. Fill out the Course Wizard Approval and click Submit
  8. The Course Status will be pending until approved. All incomplete applications will be stored with an Incomplete Status
  9. Repeat the Course Wizard Approval for each course topic